Saturday, January 17, 2009

A few changes....

Well I already reached number 91: Realize that this list is not set is stone and may change as I change, as I changed a few items on my list. NOT because I can't reach them but because there are other things I'd also like to accomplish during this time.

Changed #37 "Bake Bannana Nut Bread" to "Bake 10 new recipes".
Changed #94 "Revise and edit Centre of Evil" to "Eat an IHOP" (just something I've always wanted to do! lol).
Changed #101 "Write a new 101 List for the 2012 challenge" to "Knit a Ponho." I learned to knit the other day (fullfilling another requirement) and fell in LOVE with it. I've always wanted to knit a poncho so that seemed like a great one to add.

Things accomplished:
29. Complete my U.S. Quarter Collection - - Found my last quarter Hawaii! Chris threw his change in the out bin and I saw it!

33. Learn how to crochet and/or knit - - Stopped at Hobby Lobby Thursday and picked up needles, yarn, and a "learn to knit" book and a few hours later... *bam* I had nailed the first type of knitting stitch. I made a whole wash cloth!

55. Get bookshelves: Picked up two black finished ones at Target

56. Organize my books in the bookshelves: Spent ALL day today on this. I have a LARGE collection.

91. Realize that this list is not set is stone and may change as I change: Changed a few items already on my list so I made this one already in my brain.

9/101 Complete! I hope I can keep this up! :)

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